CO2 Laser Systems for Acrylic Cutting and Engraving

 For acrylic cutting; use of laser technology is a common practice in the industry. Its use in popular laser machines is preferred by all because of its ability to produce best results. There are different types of laser systems used for this purpose. However; the CO2 laser systems for acrylic is becoming the first choice of users.

Use CO2 Laser Systems for Acrylic

While it largely depends on the type of acrylic the preferred application is laser-based. When you use the CO2 laser engravers the results will be as follows.

·        The edge created by laser cutting will be smooth as well as flame polished;

·        It will produce bright and frosty and attractive white engraving; and

·        The operation will be much faster saving your time.        

Acrylic Types

For fruitful use of the CO2 laser systems for acrylic you have to understand the features of different types of acrylic.

·        Broadly speaking there are two types of acrylics on which the laser can be applied.

·        These are cast acrylic and extruded acrylic.


Cast Acrylic

Cast acrylic is created by pouring liquid acrylic into the molds creating various shapes and sizes. It is the most extensively used acrylic in the industry.   It is also the preferred choice for the CO2 laser engravers because it produces white frosty color at the end of the engraving process.

Extruded Acrylic

Since extruded acrylic is created using the higher volume techniques, they are usually less expensive in comparison to cast acrylic. Using the CO2 laser systems for acrylic it is possible to create a smooth and flame-polished edge. The difference will be that the extruded acrylic will come up with a clear engraving instead of the frosty white look when the engraving is done with a laser.

Accessories for Laser Cutting and Engraving

While cutting acrylic or engraving using laser systems you have to see that accessories are also of the best quality. Accessories like the cutting table and elevators for cutting materials should be able to play their roles with perfection.

An experienced and skilled CO2 laser engravers agency like the Engraving Systems LLC can address all such issues.


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